• Tyson Andrews
  • July 30, 2024

For accountants and financial professionals, the year-end closing process is one of the most critical and challenging times of the year. Ensuring that all financial activities are accurately recorded, reconciled, and reported is essential for compliance, auditing, and overall financial health. To assist in this rigorous process, Smartes introduces the Financial Checklist for NetSuite, a custom solution designed to streamline and simplify year-end financial closure activities.

Smartes crafted the NetSuite Financial Checklist to provide a structured and systematic approach to the year-end closing process. This solution ensures that accountants and financial teams can efficiently complete all necessary steps to prepare for year-end financial reporting and auditing.

Benefits of the NetSuite Financial Checklist Solution

The NetSuite Financial Checklist offers numerous benefits that make the year-end closing process more efficient, accurate, and compliant:

Efficiency: The checklist provides a comprehensive list of tasks that need to be completed, ensuring that you do not miss any critical steps. This systematic approach saves time and reduces the complexity of the year-end process.

Accuracy: The checklist helps mitigate the risk of overlooking important tasks, thereby enhancing the accuracy of financial records and reports. Each task is clearly defined, and users can mark them as complete only after thorough verification.

Compliance: With the checklist in place, companies can better adhere to financial reporting standards and regulatory requirements. It ensures all necessary documentation and processes are completed accurately, supporting compliance.

How It Works

Using the NetSuite Financial Checklist is straightforward and intuitive:

  1. Navigation: Users can navigate to the Financial Checklist within NetSuite. The exact location may vary depending on customization, but we designed it to be easily accessible.
  2. Task Presentation: The checklist presents a detailed list of tasks that need to be completed for the year-end closure. These tasks are customizable based on the specific needs and requirements of the business.
  3. Marking Completion: As users complete each task, they can mark it as complete within the checklist. This feature helps in tracking the progress and ensuring that no tasks are left unfinished.
  4. Progress Monitoring: You can monitor the status of the checklist in real-time, providing a clear view of the progress towards year-end closure. This visibility helps in identifying any bottlenecks or pending tasks that need immediate attention.

The checklist includes essential tasks such as:

  • Reconciliation of Accounts: Reconcile all accounts to detect and correct discrepancies.
  • Review of Financial Reports: Thoroughly reviewing financial reports to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Audit Preparation: Preparing all necessary documents and reports for auditing purposes.
  • Additional Custom Tasks: Including any specific tasks unique to the business’s financial operations.

Limitations and Considerations of the NetSuite Financial Checklist

While the NetSuite Financial Checklist is a powerful tool, there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind:

  • User Roles and Permissions: User roles and permissions within NetSuite may restrict access to the checklist and the ability to modify it. Ensure that you grant appropriate permissions to relevant team members.
  • Supplement to Professional Practices: The checklist assists with the year-end process but does not replace the need for professional accounting practices and advice.Accountants should use the checklist as a supplementary tool.
  • Customization Needs: Businesses may have unique requirements that the default checklist does not fully cover. In such cases, you may need to add additional checklist items, which you can incorporate into later versions of the solution.


If users encounter issues with the Financial Checklist for NetSuite feature, the following troubleshooting steps can help resolve common problems:

  • Permissions Check: Ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to view and modify the checklist. Lack of appropriate permissions can hinder access and functionality.
  • Task Completion Verification: If a task does not mark as complete, verify that you have executed all necessary steps correctly. Missing steps can prevent task completion.
  • Customization Updates: For any missing items or specific needs, contact the support team for assistance in customizing the checklist to better fit the business’s requirements.

Additional Features of the NetSuite Finance Checklist Solution

Apart from the NetSuite Financial Checklist, Smartes’ finance solution for NetSuite includes several other valuable tools designed to enhance overall financial management:

Loan Calculator: This tool allows users to calculate loan repayments based on the loan amount, interest rate, and repayment period. It aids in planning and assessing loan affordability.

Financing Statements: The solution generates comprehensive financial statements, such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. This provides a complete view of the company’s financial performance.

Financing Sales Orders and Invoices: This feature enables the application of financing options directly to sales orders and invoices. This offers customers flexible payment options and potentially boosting sales.

Reporting: The solution provides detailed financial reports that offer insights into financial trends, profitability, and cash flow, aiding in strategic decision-making.


Smartes’ NetSuite Financial Checklist streamlines the year-end financial closure process for accountants with a robust solution. `By offering a structured and systematic approach, it ensures efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in financial reporting. Combined with additional features like the loan calculator, financial statements, financing for sales orders and invoices, and comprehensive reporting, Smartes’ finance solution empowers businesses to enhance their financial management and decision-making capabilities.

With the NetSuite Financial Checklist, accountants can approach the year-end closing process with confidence, knowing that they have a reliable tool to guide them through every necessary step. This not only reduces the stress and complexity of year-end activities but also ensures that businesses maintain accurate and compliant financial records, setting a solid foundation for the year ahead. Contact us to learn how you can install this solution in your NetSuite environment.

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